You'll Definitely Know it's Us!

CKenergy's New EV Look!

I'm excited about being recognizable going down the road and I know people will be looking and reading.  The worst part of this is that I'll be recognizable going down the road!  If that's confusing, just think about this; now people will know who it is that's "possibly" speeding around them.  Haha
I explained to the Board of Trustees that if I'm pulled over, what better advertising!  A billboard right there on the side of the road with flashing red and blue lights.  What's more visible than that?  I thought they'd laugh.
In all seriousness, the car has been awesome during the 3 weeks and 2000 miles I've been driving it.  It rides great, and only one time have I had to delay a drive to OKC until the next day because I wouldn't have had enough kwhs to comfortably make it back home.  I think I should probably drive another six months or so before I ask the CEO to call a tow truck, don't you?  And how this thing jumps out into traffic!  No muscle needed here, it's got it.
There are so many things running through my mind right now regarding electric vehicles.  Forget all the fancy features of a self driving car, (I'll drive my own thank you).  Forget the environmental argument that we all have seemingly every single hour of every day.  The practical application of electric vehicles will be huge in my opinion.  I promise to continue to keep you up to date on all the new discoveries regarding evs.  By the time you decide whether or not you should own one, you'll have all the info you need to pick your car out.


  1. Good looking design on the car! Did you design that yourself?


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