The Bolt is Here!!

November 17, 2017

This is our little car as it looks in its parking spot just outside my office.  It is currently charging as it has already driven from my house to OKC and back to Binger today.  I went to OKC to a vinyl wrap company to start a design for the car to identify it as a CKenergy electric vehicle.  So far, the car is a blast and it runs and drives really well.  It will definitely take some time for my nervousness to go away because I am constantly watching my "fuel" gauge.  I'll post pictures of the dash readouts so you can see what everything looks like.  Instead of miles per gallon it shows miles per kilowatt hour.  Crazy!  Who'da thunk we'd be driving by the kilowatt hour?!

The charging station at the office is a Level 2, 240 volt charging unit.  It charges at the equivalent of 25 miles per hour.  So, it takes about 8 - 9 hours for a full charge from "Dead on the side of the road" to full tank.  You get the drift; it takes planning to go more than the estimated 230 mile capacity in one day; especially if there is heating or air conditioning going on.  I'll be posting on this blog at least once or twice each week to reveal newly learned secrets of operating an electric vehicle.  I just hope I don't have to wear Alaskan fur in order to stay warm and keep from using too much battery.  But I'll let you know the honest truth.  At some point in the next 2 or 3 years if you decide to purchase an electric vehicle, you're going to know what to expect!

 Same charging device at my house wired conveniently beneath my carport.  Shut the door, lock up, plug in.  Nuthin to it.

 Another look at the charging station at my house.  Notice the electric meter?  I'll let you know monthly how many kilowatt hours I use at home and at work and the total miles driven and a tally of the monthly electric fuel cost for the car.


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