You'll Definitely Know it's Us!

CKenergy's New EV Look! I'm excited about being recognizable going down the road and I know people will be looking and reading. The worst part of this is that I'll be recognizable going down the road! If that's confusing, just think about this; now people will know who it is that's "possibly" speeding around them. Haha I explained to the Board of Trustees that if I'm pulled over, what better advertising! A billboard right there on the side of the road with flashing red and blue lights. What's more visible than that? I thought they'd laugh. In all seriousness, the car has been awesome during the 3 weeks and 2000 miles I've been driving it. It rides great, and only one time have I had to delay a drive to OKC until the next day because I wouldn't have had enough kwhs to comfortably make it back home. I think I should probably drive another six months or so before I ask the CEO to call a tow truck, don't you? And h...